In the story of," The Routes of Man," by Ted Conover in first four chapters the author elaborates and supports his idea that even though the road a person has chosen to take may consist of obstacles and hardships, it also can contain the most enlightening and worth while experiences that a person can encounter. Ted Conover uses rhetorical modes through out these chapters, they consists of descriptive, Compare and Contrast, cause and effect, definition, exemplification, and many more. Ted Conover, defined that roads aren't always roads that you look upon in a literal sense but in a metaphorical sense as well. Conover uses exemplification by giving examples of what types of people would live in certain areas, a place's environment and living conditions, mostly examples of what the reader might see if he or she would be in his shoes. Narration is also another rhetorical mode that the author uses, he tells the story in first person, because he is sharing the roads in which he has taken.Compare and contrast is used when conover is trying to show his readers the similarities and differences between the roads and living conditions, so you can see the cause and affect in which the roads have on the society and the people whom live amongst them. Conover used the rhetorical mode of description by explaining in great detail the places he sees, whats around him, and the people that live in that area.
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